
So I mentioned I was trying out the crypto mining provided by Norton. As I watched my little spinner slowly.. very slowly climb towards a payout, I kept wondering if it was worth the time, effort and electric. This Monday the green was finally edging towards completion...
Thinking that I was close to cashing in on my first $16 or so "bux de crypto" I kept an eye on it. Imagine my surprise when the last time I checked, the green had filled the circle and it said I had a payout coming. Imagine my surprise when I looked a tad closer and realized that not only did it say I get my .0000003 ETH at $16 but said I had hit the jackpot and would be rewarded with close to $40k!!!!! A whopping 8.572730 ETH!!!!! I knew that something was up for sure.. heh. I do not have that kind of luck. The "Paying Out" sat there for an hour or so and never did complete, but I did take a screen snag of the results. The image above is not doctored in any way, it was the true image I was looking at the day I became a crypto thousand-aire. For a few hours I was crypto wealthy haha. After stopping the mining, restarting the app, rebooting the computer and finally doing an update to the software I finally received my payout. $40k you ask? No, the original $16 it promised unfortunately.. heh. and...... mining, off. Check.