
Road Trip

Last week I went on a road trip to pick up a gift card. On my way to the store, I happened into the guitar store and found another addition to my collection. It was definitely a "the guitar picked you" scenario. After plugging it into an Orange amp, I really fell in love with it. random image courtesy of SamAsh but not my guitar I do not own an Ibanez guitar, so on top of being a new ax, it is one that I do not currently own.

Time flies

my how time flies when you are not having fun. heh. been a while since I have been on here, it almost feels like new. alot happening this year, including a stroke, which I do not recommend for anyone. So long in fact that my pwd stopped working.. not sure why but was able to fix using the door in the back. Hope to get caught up and start getting some content up soon, but need to do some cleanup prior. Glad to see the site is still functioning.. you never know how long it will stay up unattended nowadays, with all the nerdowells

Change of Pace

longboatVRI am not really sure why, but this holiday season I thought I would embark on a new destination. Taking a break from ADayInITVR just seemed like something I just needed to do.

X - actly

X,... it means X!, eXit, quit, hasta la vista...

Meta Quest Pro

I received the Meta Quest Pro last week and so far, it has been a positive experience. This is not really a review of the product and in no way an indorsement, but simply my first thoughts from a user perspective.

Hello World

Hello World


What we’ve got here is
failure to communicate.

Some men you just can’t reach.
So you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it;
well, he gets it.
I don’t like it any more than you men.

Get a Girlfriend Already

ruv u rong timeI can't help but think, when prompted by push-ware, of one of those obtrusive hookers from some worn-torn saga. Geeze, get a girlfriend if you are that lonely!
It starts out harmless enough.. pay a bit more and you will get something special... (and usually not worth the price). Nowadays it seems that this is more the norm than an add on.


Sometimes words are irrelevant

Gone but not forgotten

There were a few reasons that I removed my videos from a popular video streaming service. The main reason however was due to demonetization of sites under specific view limits. Revenue on my videos was never substantial, but it did offer an incentive to create more videos.


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