abitowhit's blog

Such a deal!..

ladder sale

Look Ma..

Look ma, no hands

The future is bright..

Future Forcast




Privacy? Heh!

abitowhitI find it somewhat amusing that every time you search for something, i.e. printer ink, that you are bombarded with the same advert over and over again.. everywhere. I decided to conduct a test by repeating some phrases... stop being obtrusive take the day off power off shut down plug fork in socket Nope. They are still online.

Know when to fold'm

Me, Myself and I I am beginning to wonder if I write code because of the way I am or if I am the way I am because I write code. For some reason I have always had a knack and enjoyment of fixing things as well as finding solutions to problems. (Probably from breaking things)

Ugh. webcams and spaces

Webcam There are times where you really begin to doubt yourself. If you stick with it you will generally succeed, determine the problem and insure that it does not happen again. Setting up a simple webcam should not be a problem. I have done posts on it, have implemented many over the last few years using a raspberry pi, pi-cam or usb cam and was able to get them to work. This time it was different.


Consistency or lack there of.. There seems to be a total disregard for consistency any more. There is nothing wrong with change, moving forward and not being stuck in the proverbial rut. There is however something to be said about consistency. If you are wondering why things do not "flow" like they used to, it is because everything as of late is in a constant state of flux.

Like a bad burrito...

..resistance is futile! I am not sure why I am attempting to bring this online and cannot guarantee it will stay online due to the amount of time it takes and the amount of activity bent on burning down all of that effort. I did however find myself looking for things that I had posted earlier so hopefully it helps someone else as well. So here we are.


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