Submitted by abitowhit on Sat, 10/27/2018 - 18:18
I am looking at adding OBD (On Board Diagnostics) to the unit.
Something ELM-327 seems to be the choice, though I am in no way knowledgeable about these units.
This will however allow a quick snapshot of the auto status and checking of vehicle status codes.
Wifi may also be a thought.
First step is to install pyobd.
Instructables OBD-PI Overview looks interesting though I do not have an RGB out on the dashbaord pi. Good for reference though.
Python OBD Source code:
I have downloaded the open source pyobd zip file and extracted it to the local pi/bin directory at this point.
Next will be to order the on board diagnostics device and playing with the code.
Article on best scanners for jeep
Looking at:
Foseal (recommended in article) Amazon $20
Veepeak Amazon