Submitted by abitowhit on Fri, 01/12/2018 - 18:46
Some common commands, controls and apps when building a pi.
Copying Remote Files SCP
Copying files from your old pi to your new pi is not too difficult using SCP (secure copy)
You will have to know the password on both sides.
Change into the directory on the local pi
scp -r pi@ipaddress:/home/pi/Desktop/*.* .
-r=recursive username@ipaddress:pathtofiles currentlocation
You can change . to a path on your machine like /pi/bin/
First of all update.... If you do not intend to use, it will save a ton of time on upgrades.
To purge the wolfram engine:
sudo apt-get purge wolfram-engine
sudo apt-get autoremove
Purge Libre
sudo apt-get purge libreoffice sonic-pi scratch
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
** pi notice says firmware should only be updated if requested to do so by pi. Probably not advisable
For firmware update: sudo rpi-update
Requires reboot (c1f3e94f22866aa26e41b4d107e6e3741b917a98)
Change Root
passwd NewPiPasswrod
Add user:
sudo adduser username
sudo visudo
To make user root copy root:
username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
Set Host Name
sudo nano /etc/hostname
sudo nano /etc/hosts
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Increase SwapFile size:
$ sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
Change to CONF_SWAPSIZE=1024
F3 enter F2
Restart swapfile
$ sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop
$ sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start
Add a cron to fire job on reboot
Edit the file:
sudo crontab -e
Add line to file (here a python script): Use & sign to run in background else remove
@reboot python3 /home/pi/Desktop/ &
----------------------------------------- installs -----------------------------
Scheduled Tasks: Gnome-Schedular application:
sudo apt-get gnome-schedule
Emai: Claws mail
sudo apt-get install claws-mail
Remote Access: Install VNC Viewer
This will allow you to connect to your other pi's or VNC machines.
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-viewer
It will show up in the app menu under Internet.
--Too much overhead for blender --
sudo apt-get install blender
--gimp graphics works fine. --
sudo apt-get install gimp
VLC video
sudo apt-get install vlc
KWeb browser (not really digging it)
Will not play quickCPM gauges.. rats.
tar -xzf kweb-1.6.8.tar.gz
cd kweb-1.6.8
KWeb Options
If you want to install without desktop install tint2
sudo apt-get install tint2
full screen video without gui requires
sudo apt-get install xterm
If you plan on watching online video with Kweb, you need to download and install youtube-dl by opening the terminal command line and typing in
and press enter to install ytdl from Github.
You can also update ytdl by typing in update-ytdl
12 Hour clock string
%I:%M %p