erd Implentation:
8/21/2021 Completed...
Input: None
Output Document Format:Text Comma Delimited
Default Max Words: 8
Default Max Items 10
Current Limits: Free: 100/Hour capped at 1000/Day
Output Example:Overviewerd api is an extremely simple "formatted text" output page. It contains only a single text string, no headers, no formatting (i.e. xml or json), tags, etc.
Per the example output above it is in a comma delimited format (subject to change).
The delimited string format allows you to consume the string by using the split method of your favorite language (php,python,javascript,java,c#,etc...)
The very first index of the array will always include the array index of the correct answer to the question.
The answer index SHOULD NEVER BE VISIBLE on the web page or page source code.
All of the array index values are then inserted into whatever type of "select" list you prefer.
A common practice would be to provide a radio button list on larger display formats while offering a dropdown list on smaller/mobile type displays.
This will however require consuming the api URL from within your source code to get the string.
Once you have consumed the string you do a split on it using a comma.
$piclist="<select id=\"piclist\">";
for (int i=1; i < $vals.length;i++)
You would then wrap this in a form on your page and set a session variable that is not visible to the end user containing the correct index integer for the correct answer.
On postback of the form, if the user has selected the correct index (control.selectedIndex) you set a second session or cookie such as "werd_validated=true".
In your code, you would simply check that session or cookie value and if true, display your source code to show your actual form including an actual form submit button.
Display Example:
If you look at the dropdown you can see that the correct answer, list item 4 (zero indexed - 0,1,2...) is the line of text which contains a human readable string. (See textbox at top for the full index+string delimited string returned)
You must process the delimited string, it will change every time.
Every time erd outputs a new delimited string the number of options will change, the number of erds (both pseudo and actual) will change as well.
Coming Soon...
Creating Challenge Lists
Code examples you can use to create your own "Lovingly Wrapped in erd" validations.