Currently, I am working on the user interface.
I also have a few ideas of some of the challenges I can create based off of firsthand experience.
I am thinking that the first challenge will be to submit a resume and attempt to apply for an IT job at MIMP Incorporated.
At present, the user interface will be a sport watch pop up HUD to display instructions and options as you go.
This is apparent in the image above in which the user can add a name to their character.
I had thought about using the "no hands" approach like the characters but that will be too difficult to manage game play.
Luckily, after so many years in IT, I should be able to come up with enough challenges to test the limits of most people, it is inherent to the job. lol. I am thinking that the hardest one will be how to add an interface to your game. "5000 choices, which 3 actually make tht button click work". Probably enough to make them never want to play the game again. Afterall, it is not an easy field to sow.
The entrance door and pressure pad opening is working for entrance to the lobby as well as the swipe door to get into the office. I am holding off on the internal elevator because it will take more coding. The doors are working but the movement needs completed.
I was really hoping that it would be viable to do some of these posts from the oculus itself, but as it turns out it is a bit clumsy to do so. For now, I will just upload some images from the game and then add the text and images from my desktop.