I wanted to do an update on PIACC for 2022. My first post was in 2018 when I originally created the remote light controller using a Raspberry Pi.
A few iterations from Pi3 to Pi-Zero(with headers) but since that original controller it has not changed. The original prototype unit is still in my Jeep to this day and was in use this morning around 6am when we received our first real dump of snow for the season.
Because it was a prototype test unit on a $12.00 "Pi Zero" I was not overly concerned if it blew up, shorted out, froze to death, etc. I wired it up fairly well but never really enclosed it in any type of case. For close to 4 years now it has ridden piggy-back on my battery with nothing more than a zip tie to hold it in place. The PiACC application (which I wrote using MIT App Inventor), though somewhat large due to the amount of fluff in the build has been rock solid.
Every time I plow I fire up the app on my phone, turn on blue-tooth and prepare myself for a non-response. To this day, I have been delightfully greeted by the internal temperature of the pi, which is you clue that it has sync'd via blue-tooth and is ready to toggle the light relays. Plow lamp on.
My other concern was having battery drain issues. I can say for certain that up to this point of running it directly from Battery has had little or no effect on the battery itself. I thought that the Pi Zero would consume too much juice and leave me stranded with a dead battery, but that was not the case. The Pi is continuously on and I have not (knock on wood) to this point had any battery issues. I would assume that at around 5 years I will need to update the Jeep battery just to be sure, but up to now there has been no issues.
Nice work little Pi, PiAcc and 4 channel relay controller, there is certainly more snow days coming.