Submitted by abitowhit on Sun, 10/30/2022 - 19:39
I had downloaded one of the newer Unity editors to test the
Spaces example. All in all, everything was fine but then I was presented with a popup on the Meta Developer Hub or MDH (at the time it was the Oculus Developer Hub or ODH) that there was a conflicting ADB.
It did not take too long to realize the problem. The Unity editor was using it's version of ADB, which allows it to communicate with the device, while MDH was using its version of the ADB.
MDH Dropdown
In MDH you can see the list of ADB's it finds available. You have to make sure they match.
The default it was using was:
C:\Program Files\Meta Quest Developer Hub\resources\bin
I selected the path that was listed in the Unity error message.
Unity Message
Multiple ADB server instances found, the following ADB server instance have been terminated due to being run from another SDK. Process paths:
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()
I have seen this multiple times, every time I load that project or switch back to another ADB, switching back and forth.
There really should be better handling of this, maybe finding the active one, it is a pain in the arse.
To me, pointing everything to the MDH ADB seems like the logical choice and I will try that, but not sure if there will be any adverse effect in Unity.