early riser

So once again, wake up was like 2am this morn. I could not get comfortable due to the humidity.
This started the old brain going of course.
Having probs with my main win machine which is an older Dell computer.
First thought was that it is time to get a new one. Early brain said "You bought a MacAir and have never used it more than a day or so.
Thus, todays msg comes from Mac'ville. Still not digging it, but will struggle through, so excuse any typos, kboard cups, etc.
Typing is somewhat labored and slow so not really impressed, it may go back in the nightstand.
Hope everyone is doing well, so far so good here.(except the outer probs, of course)
I also have a surface pro that I try to keep squeaky clean, but may have to change that, I really do like the Surface outer.
Well, happy Wednesday to all, may the farce be with you all.
Sorry, no pics today, do not have time for graphics.

Since my drive is humming and fan blowing hard I figure I probably have years of updates on this Mac coming.