Buster or Busted? Pi Wifi Issues


Update:2019Dec21 If you are having buster problems connecting to your wifi, chances are it is IPV6 causing the problems. I guess everyone working on it has IPV6 working on their network. Here are a few things you can attempt if all else fails... 1. Fire up wlan0 wifi manually sudo wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf This will be running within your window so don't close it. Open up another terminal window. 2. Fire up dhcp manually Before you run dhcpcd though edit the conf file to turn off IPV6.. nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf In this file, add the line: ipv4only I believe you can place it anywhere, I just stuck it somewhere at the top. Ctrl-X to save dhcp sudo dhcpcd After I did all of this, I obtained an IPV4 address from wifi. I then ran sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade After updates complete, reboot your machine. In my case, wifi was then happy and connected, visible in the task bar and I had an IP address. abow
Ok, so on my first set of pi's I was really surprised how simple everything went. Both Pi3 and Pi zero with the Raspian image worked flawlessly. Normally, it was not until I really started playing around with things did they start to break down.. and was my own fault. I decided that I was going to try to build a mail server for fun using one of the new buster images. I started with the light version to go without a gui. After hours of trying to get wifi to work and around 3 re-images I gave up. The gui images in Raspian always worked without any problems, Wifi setup was quick, simple and just seemed to work so I tried the buster sans desktop. Rats.. same network issues... no wifi and no matter what I tried to do, still no wifi. I started to think "maybe it was the pi 3 unit" but then remembered that the unit was one that was already working with a Raspian image and wifi worked fine. Buster, in my case, seems to be another case of "new and improved" not quite being new or improved. I am by no stretch anywhere near a linux, unix, pi expert, far from it. As I try and try to move more away from windows, the time consumption on just getting simple things to work on linux keeps me wondering if it is worth the time and aggravation. It is however "great" if you really enjoy googling "how to fix things". I am going to go back to only using Raspian and if I then start having the same problems I will realize that "it must just be me". Of course I will update this if it turns out I was just doing something stupid..