Overwatch Face Recognition


For Overwatch I have set up a few pi-zero monitoring cams around the house. These are bare boned, though I did install desktop version of Buster on them. You can easily replace with the CLI version, but since I was having wifi issues, I opted for the destkop. Once I have everything set up, I ssh into the pi, run raspi-config and change boot to CLI. The extra files is not a problem since I am using a 64G micro usb. For the initial setup, you can follow this link - Setting up OpenCV on pi. Once I have installed opencv there are only a few additional steps to get the camera running. You must insure that you have network connectivity to make it work. So that vidtrack is not using the pi account to upload the files, I have created a base user which the file copy will run under. Python3 vidtrack.py is run as sudo so that it has the ability to write to this user /home/%user% directory and then upload using wget. In /home/pi/bin there are two scripts. chk.sh - this script is used by crontab to check the status of vidtrack.py #!/bin/bash ps cax | grep python > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "vidtrack is running." else echo "Starting vidtrack." x-terminal-emulator -e sudo /home/pi/bin/vidtrack.sh fi exit vidtrack.sh - this script is used to fire vidtrack (called from @boot in crontab) cd /home/pi/bin/vidtrack sudo python vidtrack.py
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