Uploading history pics


I have decided to break out uploading of the additional history pics out of band of the normal upload. (Note that history images are only created if you set the piclimit to something greater than 0 in overwatch.py.) I will only upload every 15 minutes, instead of every minute. (crontab -e) */5 * * * * /home/pi/bin/overwatch/allpics.sh This can be accomplished by creating another bash script which loops through and uploads the 1 thru # of history pics. allpics.sh set -e for i in {1..10} do curl --insecure --silent --user PICUSER:PICPWD -T /home/PICUSER/PICNAME1_$i.png sftp://PICSERVERURL/home/PICUSERDIR/ #echo "Upload History_$i" sleep 4s done You will need to set PICUSER,PWD and PICNAME,PICSERVER to match your overwatch instance. Make sure the .sh file is executable using CHMOD.