Some Links

Some links along the way.. Some very good and descriptive tutorials on Oculus development. Besides having a catchy url, a nicely done compilation of fixing some of the snags and concepts I ran into as well. I just started looking it over and wanted to put it here for future reference and will update as I read further. Distance Grabbable Unity DistanceGrab Sample Scene docs: One thing I did find when I was playing with the distance grabbable was that the canvas would bounce across the screen. If you look in the debuguibuilder.cs file you can see that this is probably a known bug. menuOffset = transform.position; // TODO: this is unpredictable/busted The way I fixed this was to add an OVRCameraRig object in the beginning of the script where you can just drop your rig. [SerializeField] public OVRCameraRig cameraRig; Then drop the camera rig onto it in the inspector. Further down where it instantiates "rig" change it from find "FindObjectOfType()" to the OVRCameraRig rig you created. rig = cameraRig; // FindObjectOfType(); This could be due to having some disabled player controllers but I would not think they would make it into the scene.