
For the past few weeks I have been working on smoothing out some of the gameplay as well as working on the VR play hands.
One thing I did come across was the Adobe Substance Painter. My first impression was "Where have you been all of my life?" I downloaded the 30 day demo of the software and I am fairly certain that though the price for a person not doing this for a living is fairly steep, the time it saved me in working with materials already would have saved me numerous hours over the last few years. I am still getting used to all of the features and the mouse axis movement will certainly take me quite some time to become accustom to it. I have not tried with my drawing tablet yet, but will probably soon to see if it is better than using a mouse. Compared to attempting similar in blender using both blender and cycles render it appears to be MUCH easier to create what I am envisioning from a graphics perspective. My first test was to try and come up with a few different hands based on which level you want to play at. The hands are the standard distance grab hands that come with the oculus samples in Unity. I am not manipulating the hands at all, simply "skinning" them with material graphics. Once you have navigated a few of the primary challenges like calling for the receptionist, submitting your resume, alarm clock, etc. you can make your way to your very own office station and modify your preferences. This will include your username, level of play and any other nicedoms I come up with. As you select different levels, the hands will change, dawn gloves, grime, bruises, etc. Because this is set in an office environment, most player interaction will be done in the way of forms, work items, computer screens, tablets or mobile devices. At some point, I may work on my own hand meshes, but because of the weighting, rigging and other things that I don't quite comprehend yet, for now I will go with the samples and just adjust them with materials. This is where having an entire team of experienced contributors to the project over doing all the work myself would be immensely preferred. heh. So much to do... So little time!