abitowhit's blog


I almost forgot how much time this consumed. There are times however when you are just in a slump. Not sure if it is the amount of items on the plate, shifting of the universe or just plain old life in general. It just seems that when slumps happen, there is simply nothing you can do about it but ride it out. On the bright side, opposites attract so chances are something nice may pop up around something old and crusty.


12/31/2021: A change of heart.. I decided to reinstate 247coding.com. Unless it gets out of control again, I will try to keep it up. Thank you for all of the positive feedback. aBitOWhit
re: 1/27/2020: After much thought and some hesitation, I have decided that I am going to shut down 247coding.com. I have enjoyed working on the site and I hope that some of you had some form of benefit from it.

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