Submitted by abitowhit on Sun, 09/22/2019 - 02:09
Available Releases: TheSymptomsV4 and up
Description A new settings page has been added to the TheSymptoms.
How it works
The concept is simple. Each event that saves to the local database will trigger an API call if the API checkbox is ON.
You will hear two ticks if API call is successful (and of course sound is turned on).
The call will consist of a GET call to the url provided + the key value pairs + the event.
API Key Value Pairs:
The event would then be appended to this making for a full GET url: 6:45 am,Auto,Pain,Neck Pain,5
**This data is sent in plain text so be sure you are using an SSL (https:) API URL.
The API should accept your tokens and do whatever it needs to do with the data passed with the last argument.
You can test to function of your URL by clicking the test button. A fake event will be created, the URL+keys+even will be built and the API will be called.
Validating Success:
The final text box allows you to do something if it receives the expected result from the API.
If the API returns "Success" or "TRUE" or something similar, put that in the Expected Results Text box.
If the API call is successful an additional "Tick" will be heard if sound is turned on.