Player object Interaction has been one of my bigger challenges in VR. What I thought would be a simple task to accomplish was far from easy. I do however think I am making some traction on the user interaction.
As it turns out, my biggest problem was due to layers... and camera.. and experience... and... more.
Firstly, it appears that your input must be on the center eye camera for Oculus.
This somewhat makes sense since this is where you are looking from the player perspective.
Distance Grabbable
The next problem I was having was due to layers.
The distance grabbable example is using a "grabbable" layer which is why some of the things I tried to make interactive did not work.
At this point, I have added some grabbable things like weapons, but there are still a few objects that don't want to cooperate.
Once I have this working I will move on to projectiles, aiming, etc.
This is not going to be a shooting game, but the thought of blasting peripherals with a shotgun was just too tempting. The squirt gun that came with the demo will be put to good use on the MIMP staff I am sure of it.
As you can see in the picture, I have pretty much everything on the front lawn so that I don't need to go far to keep testing this stuff.
Testing functionality is time intensive. Just because it works in Unity on the development computer does not mean that it works on the VR device. This means that you must go through the entire build/deploy process for everything you do to make sure it works. If you have done a bunch of changes it is hard to remember which change might be causing an issue. This can take up to 10 minutes per deploy depending on what kind of mood your dev computer is in.. ugh.
By the time I get all of this working I will be too tired to work on the actual gameplay.