
Credit where credit is due
I would have to say that without the quality work available by the resources listed below, I would have probably gone senile before reaching the current stage of development. There are many more to add, but minimally wanted to credit their work.

Game Weapons

What is a game without a little bit of mayhem, right? As probably mentioned elsewhere in the project, the downloaded samples came with a nice array of toylike weapons to play with.

Game Sounds

Creating adayinit game audio zonesIn the zone
Today's weekend challenge was something I have been meaning to do for quite some time now.
The one thing I did not particularly care for was the ambient audio bleeding all over the place. I knew that this probably meant isolating zones, creating a script to control them, yada yada yada.... Well, today was that day.


SuperMunchXL Cash for CleanupGain cash by cleaning up the area. The SuperMunchXL will eat anything.

Challenges Part 6

Cowser ButtonSteak Anyone? I was kind of holding off adding this one because I thought it would be a little more of a challenge to play as well as build.

Game Taxes

Tax forms will drop down from above when you cross over a hidden tax zoneEveryone likes taxes, right? As mentioned in the challenges section, the taxes have been added and are working as expected.

Gone but not forgotten

There were a few reasons that I removed my videos from a popular video streaming service. The main reason however was due to demonetization of sites under specific view limits. Revenue on my videos was never substantial, but it did offer an incentive to create more videos.

Challenges Part 5

A large part of the game is finding codes to unlock game objects for rewards.


It is time to roll back to heading in a positive direction, avoiding anything that may have a negative impact.

Challenges Part 4

Subscription Model Ok, so actually more of a play on the "subscription model"... "You don't own it, you borrow it from us for a fee." (current model of the twenty-twenties)


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