Challenges Part 3

In the back of my mind, I have been determining how to make the robot wiping weapons available to the player. My first thought was to simply spawn them around the map but have since changed my mind. As I was working on the mobile devices, I decided that they can be purchased using another mobile device, that is if you have enough scratch.
This did however mean that I would need to create button images for each weapon along with other available spawn objects available to spawn. I made the buttons in Blender and if you look at the image, it is simply a camera perspective with the object close to the camera and a bevel modified cube which creates the appearance of a button face. Not a horrible project, but it did take some additional time to export the model, create the image, add to project as a sprite and then create the handler script to work on the device. Enter the: Spawnster 99g I have not added the in-game costs of using the buttons yet, that is still to come. As you build up positive cash flow by clubbing and clawing your way through the challenges, you will be able to buy better and cooler weapons. You start out with just a squirt gun and can also use items around the office as projectiles to accumulate some "pre-weaponized" cash flow.

And of course.. Asshats are ALWAYS free!

HELP?!? Ok, as I was adding all of these new challenges, I decided that now would be a good time to create some type of a player help interface. Though it is plain what to do in my own feeble mind, for others it is probably not so apparent. Not knowing what to do can be extremely frustrating in gameplay. Though I do want to make the game mostly a blast the AI office robots and wipe out a few threats, some semblance of order is required. Enter the: Liberator3.0 In true "cabalian x.x" fashion, the Liberator 3.0 library device is a forward-backward step through helpful tips and documentation. The device is available in the home office but can also be dropped from the Spawnster 99g device using the first button. (yes, I did notice the \r\n in the text and will remove) :)