Health Restore

Extending game play with in game VR Advertising There are multiple ways to restore your health within the game. One of the easiest is to simply feed one of the SuperMunchXL's.
One of the grand schemes in designing the game was to have the ability to communicate externally.


In-game VR Advertising is OKI have read the negative reviews of placing any form of advertising into games, but also decided that games and developers should not have to suffer due to the lack of additional revenue advertising can provide. This is especially true if they are made to be part of the game, being much less obtrusive than so many other forms of media advertising. Need to replenish your health, click an advertising button. I can tell you first-hand that the "one-time" $20-$40 you paid for the game in no way covers the countless amount of blood, sweat and tears required to develop it. Player focused, In-game VR Advertising via API This is actually a win-win because not only do you have product placement and brand recognition, but the target-consumer player actually gets rewarded by interacting with the advertisement. There are numerous ways I can think of to make this work. Not only can you use simple canvas-based advertisements, it also has the potential to have fully interactive VR possibilities. In-game VR Advertising via API

This can be as complex or as basic as warranted

In the advertising POC, I used the simple "Title, Description, Graphic" advertising model. Short, sweet and to the point. Because I already had the source code to provide the interaction to an external host via API call, creating the full functioning model only required adding the advertising graphic image capability. Within an hour or so, I was able to get it to work via a standard SSL call to an image path, using a byte[] stream in Unity. I believe that this may also provide the ability to stream something like an FBX to actually include a model, animation, etc.. but for now, just a simple image transfer, akin to a browser. Omitting any of the TMP text fields provides the ability to force it to a graphic-only model. Multi-graphic or paging may come in a future revision. For now, simple is better and the POC was successful. I did however notice a bit of a pause on load, so there may be some asynchronous tweaks required. Poof.. VRADBox is born... VR Advertising 
 in-game using an external API
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