

It is time to roll back to heading in a positive direction, avoiding anything that may have a negative impact.


I will have to admit that keeping track of what has been done so far has been trying. I have decided to document more of the process locally so that a month from now, I don't remember where something is, what it's purpose was or minimally.. why it existed.


Today's word is frumpy.

Happy New Year



I decided today to break down and spend the $100 on a magic keyboard. Why?

Holiday Greeting

Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

1st Oculus Post

First blog post from Oculus 2 and a pic from the game. So, typing on this thing is pretty hard.


Testing bvh with adiit chars.
BVH - Motion Caption (MOCAP) Files

It's Alive

ADayInIT in VR
So I have been toying with the idea of bringing the characters of ADayInIT to life for a while now. After all, like collectible toys, what good are they if you cannot play with them. :)

Black Friday

Know what follows Black Friday?


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