Submitted by abitowhit on Thu, 10/03/2019 - 09:26
Class: Application
OS: Android
Version: V2 (Pending Playstore Release)
Title: WorkerBee
Source: workerbee.apk
PlayStore: (V2 Release - 11/23/2019 (Pending Release)
In the works:
11/23/2019: Pushed release. Includes POST and rebuild of GET.
11/16/2019: Currently working on adding POST methods as well as fix for strange GET behavior on certain devices.
1. 2019Oct13-We have seen some issues with API GET calls reporting invalid or misformed calls. This appears to be device specific.
A possible solution is to make GET/POST switchable option. Since it works on some devices and not on others, your API mileage may vary.
2. 2019Oct13-Problem not finding "Share" file.
Overview:The Worker Bee Android app provides an easy way to track progress of work.
Job list can be customized to fit your current workload. Custom notes can be added for better tracking.
Use the included API strings to send your data directly to your own API for tracking work from any location.
Built in camera control allows you to quickly take and view images of work being performed.
Sound and "Text to Speech" reminders of your current project and note updates.
Location tracking (sent along with api data) allows you to monitor locations of crew.
As the adjustable countdown timer expires the delimited string is saved to a local database and can be exported to a file or exported to an API url.