Adding a custom keyboard is still under review. While using the built-in keyboard mostly worked as expected, there were times you just needed that little extra sump'n sump'n.
At the present time, the keyboard will interact with specific challenges where text input is required. This will be used for quiz answers, player customization and anywhere player input is required. Trigger volumes have been added to challenge objects required input. A toggle keyboard button has also been added to the player glove interaction device.
Fingashredder 101kb
Current Issues:
(fixed 9/25/22) Some issues with char inputs not appending as expected.
(fixed 9/25/22) Double adjustments for type ahead.
New Features:
1. Changeable key text color and key graphics.
2. Numeric keypad only toggle.
3. Auto activation by keyboard volume triggers.
Potential Future Features:
1. Split per hand mode.
2. (finished 9/25/22) Min/Max/Numeric modes.
3. Particle enhancements.
4. Animation enhancements.
Still in fabrication, so possibly more to come..