It's Alive

ADayInIT in VR
So I have been toying with the idea of bringing the characters of ADayInIT to life for a while now. After all, like collectible toys, what good are they if you cannot play with them. :)

Black Friday

Know what follows Black Friday?



DP 8


So... I will have to admit, after playing slightly with dp8 that it is somewhat of a turd. Granted, there are numerous security fixes and controls which are deemed necessary.. but from an administration perspective it is pretty much un-useable, especially when it is hosted on a provider.

4Q Winner 4th quarter AssHat winner!New
Each quarter a new winner announced.


Online Buying
The concept is awesome...


So my weekend started with a bang! Imagine my surprise when I woke up Friday morning and everything was offline. All of my sites were down. I noticed around 5am which meant that I only had 3 hours before going into work to get it resolved.


So I mentioned I was trying out the crypto mining provided by Norton. As I watched my little spinner slowly.. very slowly climb towards a payout, I kept wondering if it was worth the time, effort and electric. This Monday the green was finally edging towards completion...

Null Ref


null reference pointer errorsNull Reference..bleh!



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