Challenges Part 3

In the back of my mind, I have been determining how to make the robot wiping weapons available to the player. My first thought was to simply spawn them around the map but have since changed my mind. As I was working on the mobile devices, I decided that they can be purchased using another mobile device, that is if you have enough scratch.

Challenges Part 2

I was able to complete the briefcase challenge with only a few hiccups. Initially I was trying to store the reward inside the case but decided instead to spawn the object when you crack the combination. This resolved my problem of the reward dropping through the box colliders.


The BugBounty 2000 v4.1
Now I will have to admit, intentionally writing bugs into your game is counter intuitive.

Game Access

Badge readers have finally been completed.


For the past few weeks I have been working on smoothing out some of the gameplay as well as working on the VR play hands.

Game Penalties

You live, you pay

The game will include a host of penalties to avoid, along with the option to either pay or defer the penalty cost.


I will have to admit that keeping track of what has been done so far has been trying. I have decided to document more of the process locally so that a month from now, I don't remember where something is, what it's purpose was or minimally.. why it existed.

The Game

10/19/22 Update: Added a new opening scene.

Grab Example


As you have probably seen in some of the other Unity posts is the use of the DistanceGrab example to pick up objects in your scene. You will need to install Oculus XR Plugin and the XR Interaction Toolkit (both of which are out of scope for this topic).

Animation Select


This one tripped me up today. No matter what I did, I could not get the controller to play the animation I wanted. The controller was firing, it was not null but the anim called within the controller would not play.. ugh.


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